




Orthosash Pain Oil is a unique formula that contains traditional herbal oils and extracts, which deeply penetrate and help to improve mobility & flexibility. It also Helps to provide relief in joint pain, inflammation, stiffness in joints, backache, muscle sprain & strain.

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Joint disorders like arthritis are very painful conditions and most of the people affected lose their flexibility and are restricted in their movements. Moreover, muscle issues like backache, muscle sprain and strain are very difficult to manage as they affect day to day functioning. Orthosash Pain Oil is a unique formula that contains traditional herbal oils and extracts, which deeply penetrate and help to improve mobility & flexibility. It also Helps to provide relief in joint pain, inflammation, stiffness in joints, backache, muscle sprain & strain. Orthosash Pain Oil is made as per the traditional Ayurvedic manufacturing process and it brings you fast and long-lasting relief from different kinds of joint pain and muscle pain like that from arthritis, strain, sprain, spondylitis, sciatica etc.


• Relieving pain in joints, muscles and tendons with oils of Ayurvedic ingredients and anti-inflammatory herbs.
• Easing stiffness of joints, muscles and ligaments.
• Massaging discomfort away from frozen shoulder, neck, back, elbows, knees, ankles and toes as well as limbs.
• Enhancing flexibility, fitness and freedom.
• Useful in sciatica, spasm and sprain.
• Acts as an excellent natural aid to get rid of pain due to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

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